Salary and benefits are the 2 most meaningful aspects for most people when accepting a new job. We all have to eat, right?

But it won’t be long until your competitors’ recruiters start messaging your employees via LinkedIn to offer better pay, more benefits, and a better culture?

If salary and benefits are the only 2 things your company has to offer, your attrition rate will be the biggest thing your company is known for. Even if you a market leader controlling your space; a great product isn’t enough to keep people around.

You might already know this from experience!


Company Culture Attracts and Retains Talent

Company culture is massively important:

  • 72% higher employee engagement
  • 49% of employees say company culture influences their experience more than their workplace or technology
  • 38% of employees report wanting to leave their current job due to a negative company culture
  • 65% of employees say company culture is a key factor when deciding to stay at their job
  • 35% of employees would pass on their ideal job if the company culture didn’t appeal to them
  • Company culture can increase the quality of the new hires by 70%
  • 39% of employees say being happy in their role motivates them to work harder

We’ve all probably had experiences on both the good and bad sides of company culture.

Think to yourself, what made that company so attractive to me, and what caused it to change?

Or, flip the script and ask yourself what could have made some of those terrible jobs you survived better, notwithstanding pay?

One glaringly-obvious fact you’ll see with top-performing companies, and subsequently, the companies that are rated the best to work for, is that they have a company culture that is partially built by incredible company events.


Company Events Create a Compelling Culture

Events are an opportunity to bring your employees together. The benefits to your company can be immense when you plan a meaningful organization event.

The type of event will dictate the goals and objectives you have, and each type of event deserves its own place on your calendar.


All-Hands Meeting

Company-wide meetings are important to provide ongoing and consistent information to employees. They are a medium for leadership to connect with employees to understand the overall trajectory of your business, the goals, and challenges, and build collaboration.

No one likes to be kept in the dark – So when leadership doesn’t proactively reach out and update employees, it can have an ominous effect on morale.


Sales Kickoff

Sales events are targeted towards your frontline, but it doesn’t have to only include sales staff. Break-out sessions and training can also include technical, marketing, support, product development, and more.

A sales kickoff, or sales meeting, is imperative for training, product updates, and rallying the troops to increase revenue.



Team building events can turn a group of strangers into friends. Increased company loyalty, production, and employee satisfaction are all benefits you’ll see by incorporating team-building activities into your event schedule.

And you don’t have to necessarily set aside a full day or week to reap the benefits. Tie in a team-building exercise onto an existing conference, meeting, or trade show your company is already attending or hosting.


Incentive Trip

Many companies are known for their incentive travel perks. It tells employees that the company truly values the work they put in, and will actively recognize them for performance.

While many companies host incentive travel programs purely for sales teams, you can award top-achievers for any department within your company! You can increase productivity all over your company by 20-40% by incentivizing your staff.


Holiday Parties

People have strong emotional connections to Holidays – They’ve always been about spreading joy, and enjoying fun times with the people we care about since we were young!

Offering a holiday party where your staff can enjoy good food, drinks and gifts will build an affinity and positive image towards your business that have lasting benefits.


For help planning your next event, click here to connect with us!


Corporate Event Management
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